There was a machine with a sentient soul on a different world that was destroyed because of his failure as a hero. He couldn't live with himself through all the pain he endured knowing that all of the people of his planet were killed all because he wasn't there. He would stay sitting on his planet's moon contemplating his life never to sleep. only starring into endless space. But After Years and years and years. He sensed an essence of his kind on a different planet and decided to find it. He wondered what he would think about the people of the planet when arriving. He stays on the planet but isolates himself on the tallest mountain overlooking the city of musutafu in Japan. Living alone, and watching the people below. Until one day he met a woman who was the first person he had ever met in person on this planet and who was a hero just like him. Nana Shimura, Finds comfort in a Machine who acts like a human. She would change his whole life and view on earth. But Most importantly. she would realize that he was the one thing she had wanted to find. Someone who wouldn't leave her. They would become Partners, In secret. Overtime how will their relationship progress? and what Hurt could come? And will Her Secret Partner be enough to stop All For One? "Spoiler" This story leads up to a lot of what happened to nana before she died and leads up to her death I plan on rewriting the entire bnha story "except movies because that would take forever" But with my original character after this story.All Rights Reserved