Holly Maria Stark is an extraordinary young lady with a unique gift: the ability to use magic. She learned to harness her magical abilities from a young age, thanks to her paternal grandparents, Howard and Maria Stark, who introduced her to their alma mater, Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Despite her father, Tony Stark, being a Squib from a wealthy, powerful Pureblood family, he cherishes and adores his only daughter.
As Holly grows older, Tony still vividly remembers discovering he was a father and that one-year-old Holly Maria Potter, whom he shares with the late Lily Potter, is his biological daughter.
Rosabelle Stark is Tony Stark and Pepper Potts' nineteen year old daughter. When Loki was in New York trying to take over the world, Rosabelle was in London finishing university. While Thor was defeating Malekith in London, Rosabelle had returned to New York to help her parents rebuild Stark Towers. What happens when suddenly Loki fell onto the tower unconscious and injured?
I don't known the MARVEL characters, only Rosabelle.