BTS SERIES #1: Finally, In Dream, I'm Home Home. For Lei ( th ) home is not just a house your going through, it can be a person too. And that's how he treated his bestfriend slash his long time crush, a home. That feels like he want to go to for a lifetime or until when god took his breathe already. For him, he feels like home. Dream. For Aki ( jk ) he was just like a dream that you need to passed many obstacles first to get him or feels like he's not real. Even if they were so close to each other. Aki feels like he was hard to get, he was hard to catch. A dream that he's not sure if he will get him or not. And when a peaceful night hits him, wherein other people sleeping on their bed enjoying their own dreams. He dreamt of a guy that he ended up for a lifetime. Have no idea it's his rival to his loved guy.