Prince Philip has been searching far and wide to find the love of his life, Aroura, who has been cursed to fall into a deep sleep, and can only be woken by true loves kiss.
Philip, accompanied by a princess who won't stop eating apples, a thief looking for a hideout, a snow queen in search of her sister, a boy who refuses to grow up, a bookworm, a female warrior, and the woman who cursed Aroura, must find Aroura and give her the true loves kiss.
But the journey is far more complicated then it seems, with temptations and traps around every corner, Philip starts to doubt his love isn't strong enough.
Can he save Aroura, and not put anyone else's life in danger? Well, it might be hard with an evil stepmother, a horrible wizard and a witch that eats children chasing after them.
•The front cover was created by me, the character on the front belongs to Disney
•The characters in this book are those created by Disney and OUAT
(Published March 2015)
The story of the sleeping beauty has been told time after a time. A beautiful princess cursed to sleep forever. A handsome brave prince that rescues her. A true love's kiss that wakes her up. It's a story as old as time, known in nearly every single realm as one of the most romantic tales.
Unfortunately, time has erased some of the most important elements: 1) The story takes place in Narnia, a fact forgotten by many in our world. 2) The princess did more than just sleep during the battle, people just go straight to the climax without taking into consideration the rest of the plot. 3) It was no handsome prince who rescued her, but a King. High King Peter, the magnificent, to be precise.
Follow the story of Rory Browning (or better known to all the worlds as Princess Aurora) and her journey of self-discovery and true love.
Peter Pevensie x OC
The fairytale chronicles - Part I