A joke too cruel, a chance to change. Time slows as to welcome the main cast and the audience of light and dark
Iris Lara Rofenthug, crown princess of the Rofenthug kingdom and the fiance of the second prince of Rowelia, makes a deal with the dark
The dark that lurks in the crevises of your floorboards, behind the doors you open, and in the fury of our eyes in our darkest hour
A deal to the unknown, struck by desire and lies, comes with a price that gods wouldn't even try
Prince Erick James Rowelia, betrothed to Iris on the dawn of his 20th birthday, plays a game with light. A chance in exchange for his sight, yet words twisted from the old to the new, cost more than what he knew
Irish Reed, lives days as years as she's trapped with the dance of her demons and their puppeteer. A game in the mind of her enemy, a maze of lies and illusions, and secret tricks made by herself to betray her own conclusions
Joseph Ghent, a boy that lived too many lives, bound by a cruel promise to his master the dark
Forced to age and then rebirth as the same, forced to live with a corrupt mind and heart, forced to share a mind with his master
Again, again, and again he lives and dies, until...
... A chance to change has come, someone of equal match in mind to his employer.
A secret he hid until he himself forgets, but the yearn for freedom, the feeling of hope, the hours spent looking at the mirror never forget, for that's the thing about his memories, they never let you forget. And now he'll be the one to guide his actors on the last stage, the last dance, and the last symphony
The unknown series