In this academy is where students are otakus( the term for a person addicted to anime and manga)the otaku students in this academy have their own course for their subject which is called " Anime Genre"ex. Yaoi,Yuri,Shoujo,Shuonen,Ecchi,Action,Horror,Comedy and the most popular Romance... Kate Hepburn is just your average otaku.... One day she decide to choose the anime genre : Action ,she was so sure about her genre when unexpectedly her teacher decided to pair her with the famous and handsome Kyle " Prince " Anderson , All the girls was so jealous at her and decided to compete her by using their flirty genre : Ecchi ... And one of them is the fabulous Chelsea Brittany whose genre is Romance and Ecchi....... Will Chelsea succeed in her plan??Who will Kate fall In love???......Will she change her anime genre to Romance?? Find out..............
7 parts