49 Части Завершенная история Emily Evans finds herself in an unknown place, her memories covered by a form of amnesia, when she was ten years old.
With no where to go, and nobody she knows, she aimlessly walked around the city until she came upon this young girl and her mother as they were walking home. This young girl quickly got the attention of Emily, who was curious about why Emily seemed to be by herself. The young girl's mother also found this to be a curious sight, if not a little alarming.
Upon the young girl's mother's quick conversation with Emily, they quickly found out that Emily had no clue as to where she was, who or even where her parents were, Emily didn't even know who she was.
As such, the young girl's mother did the only reasonable, logical, thing...they took Emily with them and also called the police to let them know that she had found a little girl who appeared to be lost.
Six years later, Emily's life appeared to be coming together quite nicely...until she met a mysterious stranger who quickly shook her world to its foundations. Instead of the stories she very much liked to read, she was now living a wonderful, mysterious, exciting adventure of her own. It appeared to be everything she had ever wanted...if not completely safe.
This is a Doctor Who fanfic, mainly centered around the Ninth Doctor.