Scream 3 with a twist.
Read First:
Scream: Woodboro Massacre
Scream: Windsor Massacre
"If this killer does come back and he's for real, there are a few things that you gotta remember. Is this simply another sequel? Well if it is, same rules apply. But-here's the critical thing-if you find yourself dealing with an unexpected back story and a preponderance of exposition, then the sequel rules DO NOT apply. Because you are not dealing with a sequel, you are dealing with the concluding chapter of a trilogy."
"That's right, it's a rarity in the horror field but it does exist, and it is a force to be reckoned with. Because true trilogies are all about going back to the beginning and discovering something that wasn't true from the get go. Godfather, Jedi, all revealed something that we thought was true that wasn't true. So if it is a trilogy you are dealing with, here are some super trilogy rules: 1. You got a killer who's going to be super human. Stabbing him won't work. Shooting him won't work. Basically in the third one you gotta cryogenically freeze his head, decapitate him, or blow him up. 2. Anyone including the main character can die. This means you y/n. I'm sorry. It's the final chapter. It could be fucking 'Reservoir Dogs' by the time this thing is through. Number 3. The past will come back to bite you in the ass. Whatever you think you know about the past, forget it. The past is not at rest. Any sins you think were committed in the past are about to break out and destroy you. So in closing, let me say good luck, god speed, and for some of you, I'll see you soon. 'Cause the rules say some of you ain't gonna make it. I didn't, not if you're watching this tape.
- Randy Meeks
(Billy Loomis x obsessed reader x Stu macher)
It's been a few years since the Woodsboro incident, your now at Windsor College trying and failing at moving on from Billy and Stu. Sidney made it out alive and told everyone you were working with them causing you to loose Randy and have everyone be at least 10 feet away from you at all times. All you know is one thing, it's not a matter of if they will come back it's a when.
"Did you think you could escape? Didn't I already tell you, your mine."
**Reader is Gender neutral**