So this is NOT a fan-fiction. This is actually a narrative that I wrote for a class assignment. The lecturer requested that we write a narrative argument about an issue in society that affects hundreds of people or millions of people. We were also told to include a personal experience based on that issue and include statistics. The task was to write the argument in a way that the reader would know whether the writer is in favor of, opposed or ambivalent of the chosen issue. After hearing this, I was immediately brought back to that time in my life when I was stalked. I had never really told anyone about it other than those in my circle. I will admit that reliving those days were a challenge but I needed a personal experience to link with stalking and I decided to go ahead with it. Long story short, the lecturer commended me on sharing something so "traumatizing" and "deep" with him and my classmates, it was well written and he told me I can share it with others. At first I was skeptical but then I thought, why not? So here I am sharing this narrative with you, I'm not sure if I've noted all of the relevant tags but do bear in mind that this is based on a personal experience and it could get dark. Feel free to stop reading if it is too unbearable for you. This narrative includes: ~stalking {cyber and physical} ~paranoia ~anxiety ~fear ~sleep deprivation ~sleep paralysis ~nightmares ~mention of mental illnessesAll Rights Reserved