I got this idea at 3am and I decided to go through with it. It's as the name suggests. If I find a song I like I'll make it into a fanfic. I might do characters from things or I might use an oc, who knows? not me. Anyways if you wanna see what songs I'm planing on using then you can check on Spotify. I'm going in the order of the songs on the Playlist and I'll set a chapter to show which songs are done and which ones are coming up. I'll give you a link but my Spotify user is the same as on here so you can find me however you wish. Here's the link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2ja2v55a0tMAaIqhvzYUqV?si=LZTmOWuyRyWf8HZeB0zjVg&utm_source=copy-linkAll Rights Reserved