Year is 2695
Small Marauder Corps base in a stalemate with IMC and the Apex predators.
A world with new warfare and rules but still remains with conflict, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th main divisions have been taken out, the last remaining divisions and fleets are 7, 17, 37, 24, 0, 666, 130, 173, 100, only 47 titans left, and for the elites it's only the 6-4, 1, 7-7, 0-8, and we have no people to help get us out the only way for them to survive is if the runners, pilots, titans, DMR, Verbals, Coilers stick together and push the enemy line away and hold on for either:
Flare to fight forward
Decent backup
Victory to be gained.
Augmented supersoldiers. Pilot. You were one of them, codenamed "Mantis". You thought of the mercenary group "Six-Four" as your family, and they thought the same of you. Even if you're the youngest of the bunch, you had the skills to back it up.
Giant bipedal mechs. Titan. Originally created for civilian use but repurposed as a war machine. Yours were a Vanguard-class titan, named "Falcon".
A bond between a pilot and their titan is something special. You're incomplete without your titan, and so is your titan without you.
A mission that went wrong sent you and your partner to a far-flung place. A place that is filled with... angels? With a shotgun?
Kivotos is standing by for Titanfall, Pilot.
I own none of the pictures used. Blue Archive and Titanfall belong to their respective creators.