Since Emily Fisher was little, she's had the same dream nearly every night. She's surrounded by destruction as she turns in a circle, then she spots the same figure, outlined by the light of the flames, with massive wings spreading behind them. She runs to him and they fly away, somewhere safe, but Em always wakes up then. She never finds out where they're headed,
Then one night, the dream changes. She's in a meadow, with the boy. They talk, and she doesn't think anything of it until the next day at school, when the boy, Liam, shows up out of nowhere.
Liam, shrouded in mystery, hangs out with Em, and they grow increasingly closer. Soon, they're spending nearly all their free time together. Em's friends and family don't think it's healthy, but Em doesn't listen. All at once, she's sucked into Liam's world, with no idea what's going on, or how to get out. This new world, full of mystery, lies, and love, and, most importantly, hope, just might be better than her own. Time to find out.
Jake, a handsome 19 year old boy who's parents died, so he now lives by himself, met Emily, a 17 year old, goody two shoes girl, who wants nothing to do with her stuck-up parents, and they are now madly in love, but can't physically express themselves to each other until Emily's 18, because of her dad going to rad them out. Emily finally turns 18, and they go camping out in jakes woods. Emily gets taken in the night by a stalker, and Jake comes to the rescue.When Jake goes out to find Emily, the stalker tries to kill Emily and Jake is in hot per suit to find her and make her safe again. When Jake kills the stalker, he ends up killing himself too, and now Emily can only see him in her dreams. Now, she has to handle a lot more than his house and herself while he's gone because of there little camping trip.