Could You Be My SuperHero? | Jai Brooks ✔️
16 Bölüm Tamamlanmış Hikaye So theres this boy. The type that will never go for the nerd. Me. The type of boy with the dreamy eyes and the amazing pink lips; the popular boy. The type you want to rescue you when you're in trouble or just down. The type called Jai Brooks.
Jai Brooks is the brother of my bestfriend. Well the broher of my ONLY friend. He... Lets say.. Hates me. No idea how. No idea why. Probably because his girlfriend hates me too. Stacy. The stereo typical mean girl. Blonde hair. Always chewing. The two dumb "shadows", picks on anyone for any reason she can. Yep, she's that person.
His twin brother Luke is my bestfriend. He's the total opposite to Jai. Me and Luke keep to our selfs. We sit by the bin at lunch and not on the 'Popular' table at the top of the cafe. We know the answers to questions when the teacher asks us, we are not the type to pretend we dont, just to get a laugh. They maybe twins but they are two totally different people. Yet I can't help but like them both. However it is for two totally different reason.
_Jai Brooks_