"Floating in the Abyss," is a modern BL romance novel that has recently gained popularity. The setting took place in the modern world but with a supernatural twist. Different creatures peacefully co-exists with each other ever since the Holy War a million years ago. The only creature that was excluded from this peaceful utopia was the demons. During the Holy War, it was demons against the rest of the creatures and in the end, the good side won because of the hero Orion who was an angel. After Orion sealed away the demons and their King, Orion died due to him expending too much magic power. Fast forward 1 million years later, the main character of the novel was Anton was a wizard. Anton was an orphan ever since his mother died when he was 4 years old. Due to his high magical abilities, he is able to attend Rosetta Stone Academy as a scholarship student. At the Academy he catches the attention of Prince Regulus of the elfs, Future Alpha of the Bloodmoon pack, Jeffery and Duke Asher of the humans. --- And I got transmigrated into the body of the most hated villain, Phoenix Grant, the 3rd son of the Vampire King.All Rights Reserved
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