(This is part 2; please read part 1 first!)
Rejection. Betrayal. Heartbreak. Grief.
Unfortunately, we've all had a swallow, some more than others, of this bitter brew.
This is just a sliver of my chapter that is a part of this world's grand narrative; it's about one person's toe dipping into the brokenness of the Earth, and the ripples, waves, tsunamis it created in her life.
A couple of months ago, while consoling a friend grieving the loss of a relationship, he asked me a question no one had ever asked me before. A very vulnerable and powerful question. I had been sharing some of my own similar experiences with him when he messaged me that life changing question,
"And, what did you see at the top of the mountain?"
While his words were just letters on a screen, I could see the hunger in his eyes, hear the desperation in his voice, sense the overwhelming thirst of a person climbing up an incredibly steep and treacherous mountain.
What did I see at the top of the mountain?
This book is my answer to this question.
Let's go for a hike.