He'll give his jacket to you when you are cold.
He'll buy you food.
He'll care for you when you don't even notice yourself.
He'll protects you from danger.
He'll make you smile while you are hurting or feeling down.
He'll do the things you ask him to even though he doesn't like it at all.
He'll treat you right.
He'll always be there for you.
He might be the one you fall in love with.
The worst thing about falling for your best friend, is the fact that you can't tell them, because not wanting to ruin your friendship, you kept this biggest secret from the person you can tell any secret to.
Би ч бас тэр хүмүүсийн нэг байсан. Жинхэнэ хайр байдаг гэдэгт итгэдэггүй болохоор. Зуршил болсон хайрлахыг хүссэн сэтгэлээ тээнэ.
But I found myself, the whole new myself
Би хааяа гайхах юм , аль нь жинхэнэ би бол оо гэж