First Book in the Tales of Pyrrhia Series. Set a month after the arrival at Jade Mountain. Sunny's POV. Human AU. Sunny has always thought the sun would keep shining. Now she's having doubts. After all, her whole world was perfect, and now.... War has erupted into the peaceful island of Pyrrhia. Sunny is trying to hold everything together, but that's hard when no-one will listen to you. She desperately tries to keep everyone safe, keep in contact with Glory, help her friends - but she feels as though there's no point anymore. Is the sun going to burn out one day, and stop shining forever? SOMEONE THAT HAD MY ACCOUNT'S PASSWORD PREVIOUSLY DELETED THIS BOOK PLUS 5 OTHERS, I HATE THAT PERSON, I STAYED UP UNTIL 4 AM WRITING MOST OF THESE CHAPTERS!!!!