Sean Carter is a beautiful, 18-year old Californian who's living the life as the only child of a world-renowned entrepreneur and diplomat. Growing up in a fast-lane world complete with expensive designer clothes, glamorous parties, Hollywood friends and the carnival fun house of California dating scene, (not to mention the 24/7 bodyguards), she was totally fabulous! And miserable.
Her life, going over the same old glam and boredom, takes on a different turn when her first love broke her heart. Nursing an awfully broken heart, she runs away from everything and tries to make sense of her life- moving out to New York, going to University, meeting new people, a possible career in film industry, the singles scene, cyber dating, partying, and everything in between. Until she met Riley McDonough, the vocalist of the popular band Before You Exit, and her whole world turns upside down.
Their budding friendship (with some serious case of fangirling) started to take on a different level. What happens when everything falls apart?
Against the backdrop of New York City skylines, Sean Carter is about to discover that living a normal life can be more fun than an exclusive pass to Hollywood premieres, every job has its silver lining, and falling in love with a handsome Pop Star will not only take you places- it may give you the best time of your life.
And (maybe somewhere in between), finally confront the fact that sometimes, running away isn't an option. . .