"It's-its not possible..." Ann muttered.
"I don't believe it" Lucie squeaked. Edmund put his arm around her protectively as she started to sob.
Bella-Star grinned at them all.
"Well, believe it kids! Oh sorry, I guess I shouldn't call you 'kids' anymore, you're all young adults now. It's such a shame you won't make it to 18...especially you, little Lu. Time to sink, young adults."
With that, Bella-Star leapt at them, the atmosphere was tense and silent, and then...
BellaStar the singing acrobat has been waiting in a coma for ten years...
Waiting for revenge...
10 years ago, BellaStar was almost killed by a group of bullied 6-year-olds. She terrorised them, almost drove them to lose their minds, after all, they were only 6. However, the Weirdo kids stood up to her, and using their lack of knowledge and childish behaviour, they were able to fight.
Now they are all 16, and they have mostly forgotten the acrobat that ruined their lives...
But now BellaStar is back, and more determined than ever to hunt as many people as possible.
Her main targets though; the Weirdo kids' families.
Together, they must fight, but with secrets being kept about identities and stress piling up, will they be able to pull through and be the team they were meant to be...
مَــاذَا سَــيَحدُث لـكَ إنْ كُنـتَ لا تَـعلم إذ كُـنتَ فـَتى أم فَـتاة؟
فَـتاة في الثانية والعشرون ،معزولة عن العَـالم بـآسرهِ، لا تَـعلم حقيقتها .
عَـاشت حياتها كَـرجُـل وبقيت هكذا حتى قابلت القائد العام لقوات الدِرك الوطني السابق إلـيـسـانـدرو فـيرزاتـشـي الذي آخذها معهُ إلـى عالمهِ لـيغير حياتها.
# اليـساندرو فـيـرزاتــشي.
# تــولاي فيـنسي.