Wisdom and Healing - Sailor Mercury's Story
8 chapitres Terminé Contenu pour adultesWe all know about the Romance between the characters who become known as Neo-Queen Serenity and King Darien, if we're ANY amount of a "Sailor Moon" fan. We know how they eventually become the rulers of the most peaceful Queendom ever known to man, which includes the Birth of daughter Small Lady, Princess of Crystal Tokyo.
But what we DON'T know is even the slightest inkling about the Romantic interests of the REST of the Sailor Guardians, both Inner AND Outer. Sure, they're just as dedicated to their Queen - to serving and protecting her - as their Past Selves were to her own previous Incarnation, Princess Serenity of Silver Millennium. But surely they're not Destined to spend Eternity alone when it comesta their Love Lives.
Starting with Amy Mizuno as both the first Guardian besides Sailor Moon formally introduced AND her ruling Planet being the first out from the Sun, we explore these Romantic possibilities. And much to the bashful, yet intelligent Guardian's chagrin, it's Zoisite whose attention she catches...
NOTE: Far as I know, the picture I used as my cover is a piece of fan-Art made by someone who goes by "Elyn Gontier" on deviantArt. If not and anyone knows who it IS by, feel free to lemme know so I can give credit where credit's due. Otherwise, if the person sees it's been used as my cover and asks that I take it down, I'll just redo the cover.