The moonlight's faint glow, crumbling buildings still ignited with dying flames, illuminated the once peaceful city streets before her. The stench of death laced the air as she gazed upon the mangled bodies of fellow comrades and enemies littered the ground around her and various shades of fresh and drying blood painted the quiet streets, telling the story of the battle that took place there. Her steps echoed in the night air as she walked down the quiet streets, scanning over the bodies until one caught her attention. A man laid there, blood pooled around his limp body, his face swollen and barely recognizable through his injuries and yet he was still breathing. She crouched down next to his nearly lifeless body as she looked into his pleading eyes which were met with an emotionless face. Like that of a grim reaper coming to take him to the afterlife. She didn't blink twice as she placed a gun to his temple and shot him and his blood splattered against her cheek, destroying the image of someone blessed by inhuman beauty.All Rights Reserved