The Shinobi of Japan have fought each other for centuries. During these long years, the fight between Good, Evil, and Renegade ninja has remained on the island nation they call home. To some, however, Evil and Good are just titles and should not define someone. Such is the case with Hanzō, Hebijo, and Gessen Academies, along with their friends in the Renegade ninja group, Crimson Squad. As stated, these groups view Evil, Good, and Renegade as just titles (though that was not always the case), hence their friendly rivalry. However, when a trip to a beach resort results in a chance encounter with a motley band of misfits, the fight between Shinobi is taken to the last place they expect it to go: The Sea. And even stranger, the 'motley band of misfits' just so happen to be Pirates.All Rights Reserved
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