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"Stagfoot, no!" Irisheart cried. "This isn't you. Where did Stagkit go? Why are you so bitter?"
Stagfoot snorted. His own mother was a soft and brittle leaf, easily shreddable and sitting around being nothing but an extra mouth to feed. His father was just as bad, a boastful warrior who was so full of himself he was a total slob. "I don't understand why everyone is so weak! Battle training with their claws sheathed, mourning cats instead of moving on, not even killing their attackers! If the first leaders were that great and powerful, why is the warrior code so dumb?"
The two birds' chick will end the Clans as sweet turns sour, bravery becomes cowardice and only the flowers can grow above the forest.
When Sweetrose and Braveclaw had their first litter of kits, they had never imagined that Stagkit would be so bad-tempered. Echo-eye tries her best to be as much of help as possible, but it seems medicine cats can only heal physical injuries. But deep in Stagpaw's bones, darkness lurks... and the real Stagfoot doesn't know how to stop it.