22 parts Complete 'Never trust them, never fall to their tactics again. You've had enough, don't hurt yourself again.' Sunoo whispered to himself as he is his walking home.
Sunoo had trust issues ever since he was used by some other guys experimenting with their identity. He is known to be bisexual in their school and was used by some guys figuring out what they really like.
It's not that Sunoo was naΓ―ve but he was blinded by his feelings thinking that they are real to him, that they really liked him but he was just an instrument for their identity crisis.
These guys would jokingly flirts him and ask him out, then there's Sunoo wanted to have a boyfriend falling to them, then after few months when they figured out that they're not really into guys they just left Sunoo heart broken.
This situation continued for at least 3 of Sunoo's relationships until he said that he had enough and be careful from now on. He believed that people like him will not ever have a genuine relationship.