(Au timeline.. the Potter's are 26 when they die not 21 as in Canon) Lily Potter was contrary to popular belief not a muggleborn. Born of 2 squibs descending from both Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Her gift to see the future may just change the fate of many. by the time their eldest son Jean Luc was 3. Lily foresaw her demise along with her husband at the hand of Voldemort. desperate to change the fate of her son and unborn child, Lily takes up both her Ladyships at Gringotts in secret and names Jean Luc her Heir, sending him to France to live with an old acquaintance in a desperate attempt to make sure that Harry will have family to protect him when they die and obliviates his existence from Her husband and his friends' minds. preview... "HARRY POTTER" Dumbledore bellowed out across the silent hall... Harry was desperate for the floor to suck him up, he could feel all the disgusted and Outraged looks being sent his way as he slowly made his way up to the dias where the teachers and foreign dignitaries were waiting for him to join them in the ante chamber of the side of the Great Hall.. "Harry please make your way into the Ante Chamber." Dumbledore's voice was a little frosty.. Just as he reached the dias to take the slip with his name on from Dumbledore, the doors to the Great Hall burst open and a figure clad in glistening Silver strode in through the doors. "I think not"All Rights Reserved