dear jojo,
here goes nothing...
do you remember the first time we met?
you,do?well,i don't.
how about our first fight?
now,that's a first.
i remember very well when we were in fourth grade.our teacher arranged our seats weekly according to our scores from our weekly quiz.i was sitting and waiting for my seatmate when you suddenly popped up beside me and menacingly said this words.."lay a hand or even a single strand of your hair in my bag,you're going to face your doom."nice.i received my very first threat.but you had never once noticed that i held a torch for you since third would you?you despised me.but i never hated fact,i was jealous of your crushes but i vehemently denied rumors that arises whenever they told you i like you.i couldn't say it out'd probably kill me.
fifth grade changed when you suddenly soften towards me.but i was the weird girl (weird is a little subtle to describe my quirkiness).okey, i was disgustingly weird. i coughed like a dog and since then you'd been tagging the name 'dog' on my part. nevertheless i still like you. so,what am i? a stupid girl or a masochist?haha. i had been stalking your facebook profile and visiting photo profile of your friends whenever i had can i stop liking you?