Meet Evelyn! She is 12 years old now and her only memories take place in an orphanage. Her orphanage experience is none of envy. No one seemed to like her, she doesn't fit in anywhere. Her caretakers call her an outcast, and treat her in that manor. She only gets two gifts a year. One on her Birthday and one on Christmas. Unfortunately, her birthday falls on the same day as Brit's, the "popular" girl. Everyone loved Brit more than anything! Even the caretakers! Well, everyone except for Evelyn. Evelyn and Brit have never gotten along. They have always been rivals! But since Brit is such and "angel sent from above" she gets an abundance of attention on her birthday every year! (As well as every other day of her life) In fact, she gets so much attention on her birthday, the majority of Evelyn's birthdays have remained forgotten! Then, one day a family comes to the orphanage and is interested in adopting. The family has a daughter the same age as Evelyn, and her name is Kinsley. Kinsley and Evelyn become instant best friends. That persuades the family to long to adopt Evelyn as soon as possible. Adoption is a long process so Evelyn has to remain at the orphanage some time after the good news. Evelyn and her soon-to-be family keep in touch as much as possible during the adoption process. Evelyn starts to fall in love with her new family before she is even a part of it, and her new family, the Graham's, fall in love with Evelyn too. But what happens when Evelyn discovers some shocking, yet super exciting news about her adoption father?