My name is Lucy. Today is the day that I finally run away from everything and pursue my dream, to be a world-renowned bestselling author. My father never let me live such a shallow dream, all he wanted for me was to inherit his company that was named after me since birth - which I didn't actually want. My mom, who is the only one who supports me and told me to follow my passion, died from cancer when I was 16. I lived with my dictator father for five more years afterward.
But after graduating college, I packed up my stuff and ran away from home. I don't know how dad would feel about this, but he would just probably let me go since people like me have no significant value to him anymore.
"Miss Lucy! What forced you to abandon your family? Wasn't I taking care of you enough, Miss Lucy? Please tell me!" Speto-san, our maidservant, was even more emotional when she knew that I left. She bombarded me with letters every day, checking up on me like she used to do back home. Well now, I'm living on my own in an apartment in Crocus. The rent fee was not easy to pay so I have to take part-time jobs while writing my manuscript for application.
I have this one publication in mind, it's called Pencil Manuscripts. It's one of the best publishing houses in the world, they even have their own channel on TV where they advertise their Women's Magazine, Weekly Writes, and of course, the Weekly Sorcerer. Not like real wizards, but it's a list of some of the most gorgeous men in Fiore, I mean seeing those handsome faces is more than enough to cast a spell into women's hearts right?
I'm really trying my best every day, positive that what I'm writing right now would be accepted one day and be featured in Weekly Writes. I'm not after the money, this just has been my dream since I was little, and if I can't fight against the hindrances, I'll just run away as I did before.
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