Please, I would wish that you women, men, or non-binary readers in overall will see all labels from here.
- If you are a patriarchal person, then you don't need to read this book (is necessary be open mind).
- If you are so sensitive with these serious topics, well you shouldn't read this book.
- Is recommended be a higher age person for reading this book (+18).
- The main language is English in this book, but also I will translate it to the Spanish language (my native language).
- Lectores/as hispanohablantes que no saben muy bien el inglés no se preocupen por la introducción en inglés, ya que habrá una traduccion al español en todos los capitulos.
In this informative book I will explain accurately about how many power dynamics follow supporting in overall to hegemonic men showing a sistematic patriarchal way what usually is giving them some privileges based in bias, hate speeches, segregation, discrimination, wrong ideologies, identity policies, problematic communities and another insane insights more to in the detriment toward human's minority groups like women, non-binary people, child, and disprivileged men (trans, queer, the working class, disabled, mentally ill, fat, feminine and androgynous appearance, unlettered, BIPOC, immigrants and religious faithful with minority beliefs) until to be able to use excessively as a stuff to the animals and lands too. When those hegemonic men use their political powers with respect to their privileges, so also to be able to reaffirm many oppressive systems and increase the inequality gap every time more. For those reasons I think that the hegemonic men as social group are a issue.
-Diferentes historias de los ships de Super Campeones/Capitán Tsubasa sin orden cronológico, pero algunos sí van a tener relación con mis historias "¿Lograremos que se den cuenta?" y "Eres única" y con One-shots de mí primer libro.
Aclaraciones: Los personajes de Wendy Torres y Florencia Diaz me pertenecen y deberán pedirme permiso en caso que quieran usar dichos personajes.
El resto de los personajes pertenecen a Yõichi Takahashi.
✔Pedidos abiertos.
✔Creación 100% mia.
✔Portada hecha por mi.