"The 77th director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor~!" <333333333 (Y/N) is an immortal Adepti, sometimes it angers Hu Tao because they are immortal. They cannot die, they just get hurt. That's it. But (Y/N) has never heard of anyone named "Hu Tao" or ever seen the 77th director of the funeral parlor. But that thought came into mind, why were they feeling eyes on them? Crackling of sticks behind them in one of Liyue's "most haunted places". You used to visit there to see any dangerous activities, or if anyone was hurt but thank god nobody was. You once saw a ghost with red eyes and a mouth with the same color eyes too. It didn't scare you, you were used to these kind of "paranormal activities" alright. But you were terrified of the eyes behind you. Where were the people that were your friends? Where are the people you've talked to? Where even is your closest friends? You don't know, but you once had been given a newspaper of "35 missing people/10 dead people in Liyue". You were terrified. Then, you saw the faces of your friends and the people you knew. That's when it came in. FEM READERTodos los derechos reservados