Jeannie Wakefield- A blond white lady, sheltered and naïve, demi-romantic polygamous pansexual, wears purple like foxgloves, she wants for a romantic whimsical life and has a personality to match, rich enough she can probably live the rest of her life without learning anything about the world
Harvey Franklin- A shadowy bunny imaginary friend, white glowing eyes, has shadowy powers, handsome, the dark broadening mysterious stoic type. A black haired white tall man in his human form.
Alexander Heartlove- A pink patchwork teddy bear, handsome in a cute boyish way, the overly affectation and loving type. A pink haired black-eyed tan, short man in his human form.
Béla Kiss- A green hairy goat-like yet carnivorous monster under the bed, tall, big boobed, yellow eyed with red pupils, curly horns, the flirty and dark type. A tan-ish green haired lady in her human form.