In the magical world of Arcadia, there is a peaceful magical nation called the Kingdom of Estaria. It is a nation brimming with wonders and magic and is very well known for nation's invention called magitechnology, a term that refers to machines that are being powered by magic. In this nation, a beautiful princess named Alice Caroline Estaria, who is loved by all of her people, suddenly became the ruler of her kingdom due to the sudden death of her father, King Andreas Estaria XIII. As she was about to be coronated as a Queen however, a nationwide earthquake suddenly occured along with an enormous mega typhoon that clouded the skies of Estaria. As the earthquake stopped occuring and the mega typhoon disappeared however... the Kingdom suddenly found itself in another world. As a result, Amalia must carrying the state's massive problems as a result of the transfer and ensure the safety and future of millions of people under her care as the Sovereign Queen of Estaria. Main Idea by Toshiko Kuroda Proofreader: SpectralLeafMaple Disclaimer: I do NOT own Nihonkoku Shoukan/Summoning Japan. It is owned by Minorou/みのろう.