When Ron, Harry, Dobby and company escaped from Malfoy Manor they couldn't take Hermione with them...
To know what happens next, just read :)
Trigger warning: (this story contains or may contain) violence, blood, pain, self harming, some cursing, sexual references, sexual harassment, physical and mental abuse, etc... well, you know, Bella is not exactly the sweetest person...
(Tho it's not going to be always like this β‘ )
There could be some mistakes since English is not my first language.
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and the relative characters, places, names etc...
The beginning of this story is set in the Deathly Hallows time, so Hermione is 17+/18 years old.
Hope you enjoy!
Voldemort has taken over Wizarding Britain, and muggleborn Bella Swan has fled England to live with her father in America. Unable to use magic and in constant fear of being found and thrown in Azkaban- or worse, Bella doesn't have time for romance, despite how drawn she is to the handsome vampire she sits next to in Biology.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter or Twilight. I am only writing this for my amusement, and for others amusement. I am not writing this for a profit of any kind.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the images used.
Set during Twilight and the Deathly Hallows:
Note: in this story Bella is 16 in 'Twilight', not 17, and 'The Deathly Hallows' is set at the same time as the the first Twilight series book (which is 2005, I think, according to the first two links I clicked on when I googled it. If someone could confirm that though, that would be great).