13 Bagian Lengkap Most people don't think anything of not being noticed, they think it's a natural part of being human. But not Ada, she believes that being invisible to the world is one of the worst things. For someone who lives in a small rural town, and lives in one of the biggest houses, she isn't noticed that often. At least, she thinks she isn't. Every day is the same to her, she goes through thinking she's ignored, unnoticed, disliked. She acts as if no one cares, as if she could just disappear, and no one would miss her, look for her, care about it.
Until one day, she does disappear. And as she tries desperately to get back, she realizes that she might not be as invisible as she thought. She sees her family rushing around, her friends panicking. She wants to go back, until her guide arrives. He's charming, charismatic, and easy going. She has to make a choice. To stay invisible forever, but have her guide. Or go back to everyday life, wondering what would have happened if she stayed back, not become visible. Once she makes her choice, there's no going back. As she reaches her final destination, the time with her guide grows shorter, unless she makes the decision to stay behind. As she sees her family struggle, she has no idea who she will pick.
She is scared, she doesn't want to lose her family, her old comforts invisible life. But her connection her her guide is strong, and she doesn't want to let go of that either. As the story reaches its end, she makes a choice that could ruin her life. Or make it better.