In a parallel universe, a mind-blowing revelation shook the world-a genderbend version of the notorious Phantom Troupe. This unexpected troupe consisted of the same members as the original, only with a twist: they were now the opposite gender. It was a wild sight to behold, and it certainly raised some eyebrows. It was clear that this genderbended Troupe was just as dangerous as the original. During a successful heist, Claudia Lucilfer, the female counterpart of Chrollo, devised a plan to gather the entire Troupe for another daring heist. In the midst of their scheme, they stumbled upon a peculiar book titled "Hunter x Hunter," which hinted at the existence of another world, one where their alternate selves resided. However, the troupe remained skeptical and discarded the book, dismissing it as nothing more than fiction meant to exploit their powers. They brushed it off as a mere fantasy with no connection to reality. But were they truly right in their dismissal? What would happen if the leaders of both Troupes were to meet? As their paths intertwined, how would they react to encountering their gender-swapped doppelgängers? Would they continue as bitter enemies, or could they evolve into something far more interesting? After all, who could resist the allure of an opposite-gender version of themselves?