Adam is a young man living with his two childhood friends, who are both anthros. One is a twin-tailed fox named Stacey, who is smart, a bit socially awkward, and has a rocking booty. The other is a hedgehog named Kiki, who is more wild, fun-loving, carefree, and has a whopping pair of breasts. They've been friends for as long as they can remember. But when Stacey and Kiki's heat cycles come in, their friendship would soon blossom into something more. But that's only the beginning, as a strange woman named Lilian shows up and bestows Adam a gift called the 'Charm Effect' which will enable him to charm any and every girl who's ever had a personal affection for him. This leads to a series of escapades and adventures leading to Adam building up a harem, will Adam reign control over this 'gift' and stay the faithful lover to many? Only one way to find out.