bubhh asked:
Prompet: AU where Naegi's luck make him to keep walking in the middle of murder attapets. AKA: How Naegi saved everyone by being in the right place in the right name.
A/N I almost for got that I had a draft for this and then side:hope made me bitter that most of the dr1 kids are dead so yeah
Credit to Fanfic Mom on Tumblr,she was the one that created this beautiful thing
I just wanted it to get a little more attention since it deserves it.
Also Credit to Iris on Pinterest for the Chiaki sprite,it's awesome!
I hope you'll like it as much as i did if you decide to read it, have fun.
Anyways have a good day or night regardless of if you enjoy it or not. Drink some water, go to the bathroom if you need to, and maybe eat something if you want to, stay healthy,stay safe and don't let the bed bug's bite.
Marked mature because of the whole killing game thing.
{Also just to explain something real quick,i don't know their gender, and i know that they could be female because of the mom part they have in they're username but I'd prefer to play it safe. Cause i won't risk getting someone's gender wrong, thank you very much)