During the period known as the Dark Ages, humanity at its worst uncovered deep and dark secrets of the Universe - unbeknownst to them, they let the most significant threats of the cosmos straight to Earth. Dark gods, cosmic powers, pure evil - all of them started cracking at Earth's reality and harmony. Their power slowly corrupts the planet, as They all wait for a way in.
During the same time, a group of highly renowned people of the era - including many famous kings, and scholars gathered to discuss this threat. This culminated in what is known as the Project Familiar launch. Through unknown means, the group now known as - H.S.S.F, managed to come to a solution. Ever since then people all over Earth are born with the potential for supernatural powers. Known as Links - they manifest to these special people through things they hold dearest. Sentimentally important objects, in rare cases even concepts and animals.
In the modern world, these powers are hidden and highly valued by various individuals and organizations, seeking out these special people for various reasons. However, despite all of this, the dark and mysterious forces loom overhead, still searching for the smallest of cracks to take over the world - which would spell a certain end to the planet.
So when a group of students of Lakewood High School, living in a quiet town, awaken these powers - turning their life upside down as they are thrust into a world full of secrets, dangers, and horror. As they struggle to maintain their social life, juggling it with a new responsibility of great power. With what seems like the world on their shoulders and personal problems crowding their minds, read as they uncover secrets of ages past, form friendships, and personal discoveries.
I Dominate the Entertainment Industry with My Styling Skills
130 parts Complete Mature
130 parts
Relate Name : 我靠妆造手艺卷死娱乐圈
Author : 晨曦岛屿
Chapter : 124 + 5 Extra (Completed)
Qi Yanning, the former chief of the Yongan Dynasty's Imperial Wardrobe, was renowned in the capital for his unmatched skills in clothing and makeup.
After an unexpected death, he finds himself reincarnated as a contestant in a talent show, only to be hated by the entire internet?
After absorbing the original owner's memories, the chief smiled coldly, promptly withdrew from the show, and instead joined another talent show as a stylist.
This show was notorious, from contestants to production team, for its bizarre aesthetics and eye-burning makeup, earning it the sarcastic title "Ugly 101." But from the moment Qi Yanning joined, things began to change.
MTL + Edited
Offline Purpose
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