Giana, a fascinating individual, leads a rather unconventional lifestyle. However, when faced with perilous circumstances, she finds solace in the presence of Levi, an esteemed bassist and backup vocalist for the renowned band "Lovesexy." In a moment of chivalry, Levi extends an invitation for her to stay at his residence, subsequently introducing her to the band's rehearsal space. Unbeknownst to Giana, this encounter would pave the way for enduring friendships and a tapestry woven with love, desire, and aspirations.
Being in love with your roommate wasn't exactly ideal.
Being in love with your roommate and a stranger you met at some bar was even messier. Though, seeing them in love with each other made it a whole lot easier.
As a puppy hybrid, I was used to a lot of attention from others. Theirs just happened to be my favorite.
Chet fell in love easily. He skipped the pining and fell head over heels without looking back.
He loved hard, fast, and maybe a little too much.
They made it too easy to fall in love with.