So, I know that these types of stories are a cliché. I get that some people don't want to read these types of stories because the characters are very OOC or like the golden trio has now become the froot loop-ing snooping trio of DOOM! Or because of the very obvious reason that most of these are directly plagiarized from another. But I will try to make this story as original as they go. I solemnly swear it.
Nico has another quest. He doesn't want to go, but he really owes the goddess who is asking him to do it. Y'see, it's Hestia. The only one who hasn't really froot looped his life up yet. The goddess explained that since she was the goddess of family anytime a family was violently ripped apart she was greatly saddened. So when she heard of (or rather felt) the great, awful, grinchy murders that Lord Moldyshorts, she knew in her heart she had to stop them. She also knew of Harry's prophecy. So what better way to ensure the prophecy comes true then sending in a bodyguard for the boy who stars in it!? But there is one catch... Hecate has warned (She says warned, we say threatened) Nico not to let on to the wizards that he is not, in fact, a wizard at all, but a demigod... It'll be harder than he thinks, with bumps and jumps along the way, and the question remains... Will the golden trio find out?
Wait i take it back