In the ancient, mystical city of Havdalah, the young prince, Baheer, had reached his coming of age. After years of training and practice, Baheer would sing from the scrolls of the holy Torah on his bar mitzvah.
Destiny, however, had greater plans for Baheer than that of any ordinary prince. On this special day, the angel Mimouna visited the grand synagogue and blessed the child, ensuring that he would grow to become a glorious king with the protection of heaven surrounding him.
Growing to manhood, Baheer rose to become the ruler of Havdalah, with fate unfolding just as the angel intended. Though, not everyone in the land held King Baheer in esteem. The evil witch Soofa was an enemy of Havdalah. She harboured an especially deep, burning hatred towards the miraculous king and his glorious reign.
During the festivities for the holiday of Purim, Soofa infiltrates the palace and, defying the angelic blessing, inflicts a curse over Baheer. The curse takes the form of a dark cloud over his head. The cloud's influence throws the king into a dire depression, feeding off of his negative feelings.
The cloud then grows to a size that eclipses the sun and swallows the sky, leaving Havdalah in an endless night. To save his city, his family, and his soul from shadows and sadness, King Baheer must journey into the harsh and perilous desert to find the only one who can lift the witch's spell: Mimouna. Otherwise, all will be forever lost in darkness.
First in the Blessed Princess Series: Princess Reanna, first in line for the throne, has reached marriageable age and it's time for her to settle down with her betrothed. As the future queen, this doesn't bother her. As the princess cursed with the improper attitude to be a suitable princess, this is a large problem for her queen mother. Reanna doesn't know how to be delicate, demur, or deferential. When she accompanies her betrothed on a hunt, she doesn't even know how to be sensible and run from the very large, injured lion that she stumbles upon.
Aurelius was cursed by a very powerful witch and takes the form of a lion during the day. However, no matter the pelt he wears, he is still a human man underneath. A human man that is very drawn to the fierce, strong willed princess who is determined to protect and help him no matter what people say to her.
Passions rise quickly between them, but Reanna is engaged, planning her wedding and Aurelius can't even show his face as a man any longer. Despite the obstacles, they can't stay away from one another. Reanna is determined to see Aurelius's curse broken, and Aurelius is determined to keep his hands off of the crown princess. Facing a betrothed determined to hunt the forest's lion, a mass murdering madman, and the powerful witch who cursed Aurelius in the first place, who shall get what they are determined to have?