After their near brush with death, and the collapse of the life most all of them had always known, the journey of Jacob Portman, Alessandra Baker, and the medley of Miss Peregrine's most peculiar children continues. This time, they're on their own, deep in enemy territory with no guidance or protection. With a dangerous mission ahead of them, and no home to return to, what will become of this strange little found family?
As always, I do not own Miss Peregrine or any of the characters featured in the story, aside from Alessandra. All rights go to Ransom Riggs, the wonderfully talented author of this series. This story will follow the second book and will contain general spoilers for Hollow City, with little to no changes to the storyline.
A girl and a boy fall in love.
Allison and Pietro are both from Sokovia.
They were best friends before a bombshell blew up their home.
Before Hydra took them and put Allison in a coma for 4 years.
What will hapen when Allison wakes up and the Avengers are in front of her.