Set at the time of commerce and trading for Siam(Thailand) and England. King Suppasit "Mew" Jongcheveevat welcomes the new delagates for another diplomatic visit from England in particular the Second Prince James " New" Alexander. -------------------------------------- MewNew Ghostship Long narratives and some history altered to accomodate characters. The story take place in Medievial Era where knights and war takes place.Wherein The Kingdom of Siam would be adapting some of the Bristish Empires ways because of a long run of trading between them. Thailand is set to be peaceful whilst in England it is set to have so much conflicts because of constant war and conflicts within the empire. 🖤 Not a history buff and yes I read some before writing this so I can have a wider view of things and if you'd notice I altered names and when I say altered I made a hell lot of changes.All Rights Reserved