Eww! "Kate they're dating!" But he's in 7th grade and she's in 8th! "That's because everyone likes her... Beside you." My best friend is a bloody nosed backstabber! "But Kate! How can I like her when she's dated BOTH of my crushes!" "Ella she's popular, and if you become REAL friends with her, your on Austin and Luc's page." Woah! Just like that and not only were we in the same story, BUT ON THE SAME PAGE! "Now my mom's here. Just please get your stuff together and get along with her." ME?!?!!?! I WASN'T THE ONE WHO NEEDED TO GET THERE STUFF TOGETHER! SHE WAS!!! "Okay let me just find my suitcase and we'll be set!" *doorbell rings* "Bye Ella!" "See Ya Kate!" It's hard to get along with her! I wish someone else understood! But no because "Everyone likes her... Beside me!" Just for one day I wanted to be her. Under stand what it's like to have the cute guys like you or actually know you exist! Her life must be so amazing. If she knew I hated her I'd be in trouble. Like serious trouble.All Rights Reserved