(if you want to read a version where no one dies, I recommend reading my other book, Debris. I mean you still gotta read this to understand the other but hey still.)
Mitch is depressed. The only thing that would make him happy is a slash on the wrist and a bullet through his head. He's been like this for months now and as much as he hates life, he can't bare leaving the cold, grey, and hateful world he lives in. He's constantly watched over by his friends from his YouTube days, which ended months ago. The only thing Mitch wants in life beside being dead is to be with his best friend, who was ripped away from him. Mitch can't handle life and soon rethinks of the memories of him and Jerome as kids. Mitch has given up on everything, on everyone. But what he doesn't realize is that his friends, though seeming harsh and rude through his eyes, care about him and will stop at nothing to help the poor broken boy until he could smile again.
Mitch and Jerome have been good friends for some time now and Mitch wants to go on another level but doesn't know how. He loves everything about Jerome and wants him but he knows Jerome is straight Will Mitch get Jerome? Find out in this book! Thank you