During the L'manburg times. Quackity and Wilbur got into a big fight(they weren't dating) Quackity ended up losing a life. Dream was 4 during this. He was walking to go find Q and he saw his dad laying on the ground lifeless. Dream ran to Quackity, falling to his knees crying, screaming "Papa! Wake up.. Please! Papa.. Wake up.. please.." Wilbur stood there in shock, he killed this kid's dad. Wilbur ran over, comforting Dream till they got Quackity to safety. Once they got Quackity to safety, Wilbur left Dream and Quackity alone in the hospital room going home to Sally and Fundy.(not toxic Sally) he was greeted by his daughter(Trans|FtM| fundy) running up to him, hugging his leg saying "Daddy, You're back! Mommy made a cake. Come on! Let's goo get cake!" Wilbur smiled trying to forget what he did. After a few years the L'manburg war started. Dream and Fundy were now 12 so they both joined the war. They both went after eachother both getting badly injured. Fundy lived, Dream lost a life. Quackity was devastated, He lost his son.. (for now) he didn't now what to do, all he could do was hold Tubbo close as Tubbo cried into Quackity's chest. Fundy and Dream were taken to the hospital. Wilbur was happy Fundy was alive. He didn't care for Dream until he remembered what he did years ago.. Fundy felt regret as he heard Tubbo crying and screaming "Bubba! Bubba! Wake up.. Please Bubba! Wake up.." Fundy was an only child he didn't know that siblings care that much.All Rights Reserved