This is exactly as the title says. I wanted to use my experiences as a way of helping myself and other people. In the times where I felt alone, it was always nice to read or hear or someone sharing their similar experiences and how they moved through it. I'd posted this book prior, but in one of my really bad mental health moments, I over thought about it, called myself a fool and deleted it. On the encouragement of a friend, I decided to repost, even if no one reads, or if it helps no one, I'm going to post it for me. So I can say to myself that I'm brave enough to share how I think and feel. I wanted to encourage myself to use the outlet that best suits me, I'm a writer, and thats how I express myself freely. Even if I'm not willing to speak it out because it's painful, or I'm too shy, at least I wrote it out and shared it.
I want this to be a safe space of sorts, where someone can just vent if they feel like it in comments, or something to read to know that whatever they're facing, they are not alone. I want it to be a judgemental free zone, for all those who expressed how they felt and received judgement for it. ❤❤