THE SCIENCE FICTION AWARDS WHERE: Science Fiction Club WHO: Science Fiction Writers who have completed an original story or have at least 10 pages written on a current story. The contest is limited to 100 entries. Each contestant may only enter once. WHEN: To Be Decided WIN: Your choice of -An in-depth 5,000 word edit/critique from Edit911 -$150 Book Cover For Your Entry -$150 Gift Card from *HOW TO ENTER The contest is broken up into 3 rounds. THE 1st ROUND -THE PITCH The Pitch Thread will open and contestants will post the title of their story, the number of pages, and their pitch. A pitch is a short (200 words or less) teaser to pull readers into your story. It should convey the concept of your story without summarizing the events. The top 30 pitches that will move on to the next round will be announced the following Monday. THE 2nd ROUND- THE PARAGRAPH The Paragraph Thread will be opened for the winners of the 1st round to post their first paragraph. Winners must post the title of their story, the number of pages, and the first paragraph. Entrants DO NOT repost their pitch. The first paragraph will determine whether readers continue with your story or exit the screen, so make sure it holds the readers’ interest. The top 10 paragraph winners that will move on to Round 3 will be announced the following Monday. THE 3rd ROUND- THE FIRST CHAPTER The First Chapter Thread will be opened and the 10 winners from the 2nd Round will post the title of their story, the number of pages, and the first chapter. On the following Monday, the Grand Prize winner will be announced. Judging Entries are judged by -Originality -Strength of Hook -Prose/Style -Character development/Plot setup (Applies to 3rd Round judging only.)
3 parts