Nefertiri had always loved her sister Amunet, the two were closely bonded after their mother died. The sisters where as thick as thieves, for it was usually just the two of them alone in the palace to keep each other company. When Amunet and Imoteph became lovers, the fear struck Nefertiri's heart, as their love was forbidden. Although Imoteph was a high priest, it wasn't usually a position with enough power or glory for a princess to wed him.
However when Amunet was seen as blessed by Iris, the goddess of the moon, and Imoteph by Osiris, the god of the underworld they where deemed as soul mates and the marriage was blessed. The two had a connection, a love like no other that bloomed like a desert flower on the edge of a oasis. They were never apart, until Amunet's father took upon a concubine, by the name of Anck Su Namun.
The Pharoh Seti I, became entranced with the beautiful woman. Never knowing it would doom his family.
A "The Mummy" Based Fanfiction
"Do you know what to do, Amunet?" A voice as sweet as silk whispered into the young girl's ear. Amunet didn't look over her shoulder, but shifted uncomfortably on her bare feet before nodding her head. A soft hand touched her back and urged her forward.
All eyes turned towards the girl dressed in transparent linen with her dark hair tumbling down her back and her violet eyes lined by kohl. Every movement caused the jewels on her wrists and ankles to dangle and shimmer in the light.
She raised her head and found the Pharaoh's transfixed stare. His jade eyes narrowed in on hers and the room became still and silent. Amunet bowed and, at the pluck of a harp string, began to dance.
DISCLAIMER: this story is NOT historically accurate. It does not take place in any real time period and therefore there will be inaccuracies and areas that don't make sense in the context of "ancient Egypt."
CONTENT WARNING: though this story is not explicit (sexual or otherwise), it does mention more mature themes that may be troubling to some readers, including but not limited to forced prostitution and miscarriage.
cover by @Addietay