The North was an old and mysterious country, where they always remember and the blood of the first men still flows strongly. Lyra Stark is the twin to Robb Stark, the future Lord Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, Lord Paramount. when Lyra was young, she clambered into her father's lap and begged to be treated like him, to be taught how to train and fight, how to lead. Lord Stark unable to deny his daughter as she reminded him of his own sister who had been stifled by the expectations of men, agreed. Bronn was born a bastard but was determined to leave this life as something more, to be remembered. he had decided that he wanted three things. A lordship, a castle and a highborn beauty for a wife. when he hears the tale of a Beguiling Wolf up North he decides no other woman would suffice. The SellSword would have his wolf, one way or the other.